55 miles
5 hours and 52 minutes in the saddle
30.5 mph max speed
9.3 mph average speed
Weather: hot and sunny, 90F and 20mph SSW winds - hot, hard work!
We have had yet another day of average speed in the single digits. We have been riding across the Blue Ridge, which has been spectacular, but hilly. The Blue Ridge Parkway is stunning and there are hardly any cars on the road. At times we felt we were the only humans around for miles - which was probably the case. We saw lots of soaring Turkey Vultures, that were ridge running. At one point there was one gliding along next to us.
Entering the Blue Ridge Parkway and showing off my socks to cover sunburnt ankles, blouse to cover sunburnt arms and buff to cover sunburnt neck!
There have been no dogs during todays ride, which has been bliss. Cycling is hard work on its own, but with a gnarling dog hot on your heels it becomes dangerous!
Stephen admiring the view from the Blue Ridge Parkway
We stopped at a picnic table that was along the road, where there was an information board about the Hickory trees. It had information about the different varieties of Hickory trees, 20 different types 15 of which are native to the US. Leaf drawings were show so that you can distinguish the varieties, but we are here so early in the season that the trees have yet to bud. Many of the trees we have seen on the Blue Ridge have had their crowns damaged. We assume that storm winds must tear over the ridge and in the process rip off branches.
All you need to know about Hickory trees!
Here are the Hickory trees - a bit hard to recognise what's what without the leaves
Todays ride has taken us up and down along the ridge for about 25 miles. We came off the Blue Ridge and into Vesuvius. The descent was very steep and long. We had to stop halfway down the hill because our brakes were melting!
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