Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Friday 22 June - Another rest day

Eugene - rest day

A day of the usual errands, finding a computer, finding a bike shop and spending some money and finding a good restaurant. We decided to stop in Eugene because it would enable us to celebrate with Jesse that he has completed his TransAm and to spend some time in Jesse's home town. We went out for a Mexican (we seem to find it difficult to escape the lure of Mexican restaurants), which was very good.

It is a bit strange having a rest day only 70 miles away from the Pacific, but we really needed to get a new tyre for Stephen's bike. Good bike shops are few and far between, we know because we have spent the past 1500 miles looking for a replacement tyre.

We have also visited the Nike shop in Eugene. Nike was started here by a university running team coach and one of the students.

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