Friday, 15 June 2007

Wednesday 13 June - Experiencing EBR-1

Idaho Falls - Arco

72 miles
6 hours and 33 minutes in the saddle
21.6 mph max speed
10.8 mph average speed

Arco really is in the middle of nowhere. Today we have cycled through 72 miles of barren, arid desert. After about 50 miles we spotted what looked like a nuclear reactor on the horizon. It turned out to be the Idaho National Laboratory for energy research. A little later there was a sign for EBR-1, the worlds first nuclear power plant. EBR-1 (Electronic Breeding Reactor - 1) it was a fascinating insight into nuclear power and the guides were incredibly knowledgeable and answered our endless stream of questions apart from "which hotels in Arco are nice". That question was met by a hearty laugh. Arco can be best described as a bit of an oddball outpost. Mette had an atomic burger for dinner, it didn't glow in the dark, and gastronomically left a lot to be desired.

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