Sunday, 17 June 2007

Saturday 16 June - Floating down the Boise River

Rest day in Boise

Today we have spent the day with Ken and his family. We have had a fantastic time kayaking down Boise River, which is the must do thing in Boise in the summer. Today was the first day the river was open for floating. People on all sorts of inflatable or floatable rafts were bobbing down the river. I asked Ken if there were ever multi raft pile-ups, but he assured us that crashing would not be a problem.

It has been a perfect day for being on the river. The temperatures were in the 80s, but the breeze along the river was cooled by the freezing cold water that has only reached 52f. The Boise River runs from a reservoir that is fed by snow melt, hence the very cold water. In spite the cold water, both Ken and Stephen went for a swim. It was so cold Stephen hardly managed to speak after he re-emerged from his dive/ belly flop.

Tomorrow we will be back on the bikes, it has been great to have a rest day in Boise which is a really nice city.

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